Introducing: Opendoor Exclusives Dashboard

Written by Tyler Okland

Today we shipped a new visualization tool for Atoms subscribers - the Opendoor Exclusives Dashboard.

This dashboard tracks current and historical Exclusives listings, current pending sales, and cumulative sales - market-by-market. As mentioned in Game of Homes: Opendoor Exclusives, we believe Exclusives to be the most important strategic intervention for the company today.

The biggest drag on Opendoor's profitability is selling and holding costs (roughly 3.5% of revenue, or 350 basis points). With Opendoor Exclusives, Opendoor can eliminate 300 bps of cost from transactions, meaningfully improving unit economics. And already in May, nearly 1 in 3 Opendoor sales in Austin were through the Exclusives platform.

If you haven't yet, signup for the Atoms here.

We will continue to add markets to this dashboard as they are launched. We already added Dallas, which just launched yesterday. 

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